Money Saving Secrets for Single Women by blogger Casey


There are many ways to save money, whether you are in a relationship or have not yet met your significant other. For women out there who have not yet found their S.O., financial matters do not have to be overwhelming or stressful with the right planning and guidance. Here are a few quick tips on how to save money effectively!

1. Track your expenses

As annoying as it can be, tracking all of the money you are spending and receiving is the first step in financial budgeting. By tracking your expenses, you will be able to make changes to your habits accordingly for maximum money saving in the future.

2. Establish an emergency fund

Having an emergency fund of about nine months’ pay will save you from the potential horror of being laid off of work. The best place to keep an emergency savings account is somewhere you can easily access it, without penalty.

3. Take care of your stuff

The longer your clothes/furniture/other items last, the less amount of times you need to replace them, and therefore, the less amount of money you need to spend.

4. Think before you spend

This may seem a little bit like a no-brainer, but there are many impulse buys that we all fall for every once and a while. Give yourself at least 24 hours before making a big purchase and reflect on it, don’t go on massive shopping trips when you are upset or emotional, and have a clear concept of your financial goals.

5. Go on alternative, cheaper dates

When you do go on dates, skip the more expensive dinner-and-movie nights and find free and fun events in your city to explore. Instead of restaurants, stay in and cook your favorite meals together. Have fun and get creative!

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