Where The Gentlemen At? by blogger Toni


In this crazy labyrinth we call modern romance, the quest to finding the perfect gentleman can be quite exhausting.

That’s not to say that there aren’t gentleman out there, but now more than ever, women everywhere are struggling to spot and land a man who is truly worthy of their time and attention. So how do we find ourselves the king in a sea of peasants? It’s easier than you might think!

The trick to spotting a gentleman is to let the gentleman spot you.

It’s called the law of attraction. Very simply put, the law of attraction states that whatever you put out into the universe, the universe will give back to you. Remember the golden rule? Treat others the way you would like to be treated! That is the underlying principle of the law of attraction.

So first, let’s think about what qualities are considered to be gentlemanly! A gentleman has to be chivalrous, respectful, and considerate. He has to take care of himself, practice humility and generosity, and always treat others with kindness and authenticity. A gentleman will put the needs of others before his own, will always cherish and show his appreciation for his loved ones, and always has his priorities in line. If spotting and landing a gentleman is the ultimate goal for you, then you have to be the kind of person and behave in the type of ways that attracts this kind of man!

Be generous, and you will receive generosity in return.

Be respectful of others and their needs, and people will respect you and your needs in return.

Be kind and caring towards others and it will be reciprocated for you tenfold.

Shower your loved ones with appreciation and you will be showered with appreciation in return.

You have to be the qualities that you want to find in someone else. If you expect the same out of yourself that you would out of your romantic suitors, you are more likely to find success in the realm love and romance. Raising your standards for yourself will allow you to raise your standards for the men that you choose to be with.

It shouldn’t be about chasing after some guy in hopes of him fulfilling every point on a checklist. It should be about you being the best version of yourself and allowing the men who are worthy of your time and attention to come and find you. Let’s not forget that YOU are the prize here.

And because a true gentleman will know a prize when he sees one, you bet your bottom dollar that he will do everything in his power to win that prize if he is given the opportunity.

If you want to find a gentleman, then you need to act like a lady.

You will always attract more of what you put out into the world, so be the type of person that you want to be with, and the right person will come to you when the time is right.


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