Five Things You Need to Do While in a Relationship by blogger Casey
So I’ve shared some advice on how to find the right person and how to get in a relationship, but what about what you should be doing while you are dating someone? While you are in a relationship, it’s important that you keep working on your relationship and put as much effort into it as you had while you were still getting to know your partner. Here are five things that you absolutely need to keep doing to maintain a healthy, strong relationship moving forward.
1. Communicate
The most important thing to always do in a relationship is to communicate! You need to be able to discuss both the positive and negative aspects of your relationship in an open way, but also understand that men communicate differently than woman (more often through their actions) and be respectful of how he does this.
2. Appreciate
Unfortunately, we as women can all too often get in the habit of only pointing out the things that he does wrong, which ultimately can destroy a relationship. But when your partner does something amazing, make sure you show your appreciation for it! Think of all the small, tiny things he does for you every day and let him know that those things make you happy.
3. Share
In all sense of the word, a relationship is supposed to be a partnership between two people. Share your thoughts, your feelings, your accomplishments, your fears. In a good relationship, the other person is there for you, and you are there for them in the exact same way.
4. Understand
In order to really be there for someone, you need to make an effort to understand who they are and where they are coming from. You need to look underneath the fake persona that the person portrays to the world and discover who they really are.
5. Love
Lastly, you should love the person you are with. Sadly, too many people get into relationships that they aren’t happy in simply because they don’t want to be alone. But this is simply the wrong thing to do. Relationships – real relationships – add to your life and make it just a tiny bit brighter. In a real relationship, you should love the other person with everything you are.