Introducing Mike Blaze: Get your Rocking Bod Back!

Every woman is seeking ways to keep her fitness game tight. What makes us want to look and feel our best ? Is it the prospect of a new date or love interest? Is it trying to get the passion back in our long term relationship? Is it because we want to develop more a life long healthy lifestyle?  

We explored why women want to feel good and look good even after the bikini’s are put away. Being healthy is a lifestyle it influences every aspect of our lives including or relationships. It’s simply put if you feel good about yourself you give off confidence and nothing is sexier than confidence.

We want to introduce Mike Blaze a fitness trainer for professionals, singles, and couples “GET READY… HERE COMES THE BLAZE ” our real life “Iron Man”

Introducing Mike Blaze


1. What is the difference between singles and couples training and what are the main reasons reasons do one or the other?
From a training standpoint, private training is one-on-one training and semi-private training is group training with two or more people. Private training is mostly for those who enjoy training alone with a certified expert, are more independent, and typically have a higher budget; semi-private training is typically done by those with a more limited budget yet they e.njoy training with others who have similar health goals and they can help keep each other motivated.
From a relationship standpoint, single people currently looking for a relationship are typically motivated to improve their health and get on a consistent exercise program because they want to look and feel better so they can better attract their ideal partner and have more energy for their potential dates. Couples who exercise together usually do so because they want to remain active together, they enjoy spending more quality time with each other, and they want to keep each other motivated so they look great and stay healthy together! It’s hard to argue with the statement that “the couple who exercises together STAYS together”!

2.  What are the main concerns that men and women express as reasons for wanting to get in better shape?
Everyone has their own unique goals for what they’re looking to accomplish and the most common concerns are finding enough time to exercise (work/ life balance), better stress management, how to reduce pain and illness, increase energy levels, and improve performance. In terms of weight management, everyone I talk with wants to reduce their body fat percentage; as for muscle development, it varies between those looking to bulk up and add more muscle mass and those just looking to stay lean and toned.

3. You are what you eat? How does your overall health affect your sex
It’s important to understand that only about 20% of results come from exercise alone; the other 80% is from proper nutrition and adequate rest and recovery; you can exercise all you want but if you have poor eating and sleep habits and aren’t giving your body enough time to recover, your results will be very limited if not counter-productive.

As far as how overall good health influences your sex appeal, people who look great and feel great typically have a lot more confidence and increased energy level which better allows them to attract their ideal mate and have more sex! This is the reason EVERY fitness book and magazine you see will have a headline on the cover that says something like, “HAVE MORE AND BETTER SEX NOW”!

4. Should couples workout together- yes or no?

It depends on their schedule and goals; if they have similar goals and want to spend more quality time together, couples should definitely work out together which can help bring them closer and keep the relationship alive! In fact, I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t exercise together.

5. Why is working out after a break up beneficial?

As they say, “breaking up is very hard”; keeping a very consistent exercise program during transitional life changes like break-ups and job losses helps keep stress levels in check while reducing negative emotions like depression and anxiety. It also helps keep energy levels up during difficult transitional periods.

6. How important is sleep to our health?

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of being healthy it allows
the body to rest and recover. Proper rest and recovery are very important in order to avoid over-training and prevent injury or illness. People should aim for at least 6 hours of sleep each night but 7-8 is more ideal.

7.  What’s the purpose of a consultation and assessment for singles and couples?

As far as the consultation, we want to identify their specific goals and learn their complete health history and habits so we can create an action plan that meets their needs and budget; the fitness assessment is done so we can determine their current flexibility, mobility, and fitness level while designing a proper program for them.

8. How can a busy single professional find time to exercise?
Whether single or not, the challenge is the same: it comes down to closely monitoring how someone is spending their time each day and week, and make necessary adjustments; a person who is very serious about achieving their health goals will do whatever it takes to make the necessary time and get it done on a consistent basis! You’ll never hear them say, “I don’t have time” or “I’m too busy”!

9. What is love?

It is when you are constantly thinking about yourself and others in the most positive, sincere way, and always strive to radiate complete love and good will toward others. Being in love with someone means you completely trust them, truly enjoy being around them and simply can’t wait to be around them. You can’t imagine being without them! Of course, in order to feel love toward others, you must first feel complete love toward yourself!

10. What tips do you have on keeping love alive?

Relationships aren’t always easy; I’d say that in order to have a great relationship experience, there needs to be shared experience among partners, lots of love and respect for one another, and keep things fun and exciting by being adventurous and trying out new experiences together! Proper communication is also critical!


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