Why everyday should be Valentine’s Day by Blogger Janice Martin

Tomorrow we will be pulling out all the stops. Flowers, chocolates, couple massages, wine and dining; all to show how much you love and appreciate your partner. Some people wait anxiously after the holidays for February 14th to come around.

We often find ourselves so busy with our children and our 9 to 5’s, we often forget about our partners, which is why Valentine’s Day is now so important. By the time our head hits the pillow we are fast asleep and go to bed without even asking “How was your day?” or taking time out to give a kiss good night. It’s important to get that quality time in.

Valentine’s Day is a very special day. However, some people only do something extra special for their loved one on just that day. Valentine’s Day should be every day when you are in a relationship. When one of the number one reasons why people cheat is not getting enough attention, the attention that is shown on this lover’s holiday should be given on a daily basis.

Not saying that Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated, but giving your partner gifts, making their favorite dinner, and spontaneous date nights should be done on a regular basis. Valentine’s Day is 24 hrs.

You have 364 other days of the year to show how much your into your honey.

What can you do on a regular basis to make every day Valentine’s Day?


There are simple ways to show your appreciation.

  1. Just to wake up each morning and say good morning with a kiss. Share coffee together and talk about what you are looking forward to that day.

  2. If you happen to not be able to enjoy a few minutes in the morning, have a ritual in the evening. Share a cup of tea before bed, make sure every night you share dinner together, etc.

  3. Designate a day every week of month for date night. Make a vow that every date night will be different. Pick a different restaurant each time you go out to eat or a new activity.

  4. Daily words and actions showing your appreciation is key. Just saying thank you goes a long way. Gifts, making their favorite meal, impromptu massages and foot rubs, or telling them how you appreciate their hard work. Whatever you can do to let them know their efforts, no matter how small, are noticed and appreciated.

As you sit in front of the candlelit dinner enjoying your steak staring into each other’s eyes, or lying down enjoying that couple massage this Valentine’s Day; remember to make a commitment to show daily your admiration for your loved one.