10 WAYS TO DATE LIKE A MAN by Blogger Mercy

Finding the ideal man is not easy, especially nowadays. We are often disappointed, we have many expectations and we sometimes set the bar too high. You
have gone around and do not know how to attract YOUR ideal man? We improvise Dr Love for you by offering you 7 good tips to attract the man of your
dreams. It’s your turn!

1. Be yourself: Pretending is a bad start, do not try to be who you are not. Men like real women. The poses do not last long, your essence always endures.

2. Love yourself: Safety is the best weapon of seduction . It is well said that if you do not trust yourself, nobody can do it.

3. Take care of your appearance: It is not necessary to have a model body or look like a doll to conquer it. Try to always look good, trimmed, cute and
flirtatious. Do not forget that it is best to have your own style. Choose those clothes that favor your silhouette and highlight your attributes.

4. Keep the mystery: Although your task is to conquer it, that does not mean you give everything on a silver platter. Play with him and give him some difficulty so that he knows you fully. If you wear it easy, you will lose interest.

5. Do not harass him: Give him his space; Do not exaggerate with messages, calls, details, etc., this will only make you want to escape from you.

6. Be fun: Good humor is a great weapon of seduction . Laughter is one of the best ways to get complicity with another person. He will want to be with you just
for a fun time.

7. Forget about your ex: If you’re meeting someone, forget about the past and enjoy the present. There is nothing more uncomfortable than talking about the
people you have been with.

8. Do not talk in excess: tell your life and your tastes should not be a monologue; I’m sure you’ll get bored. Give her space to express herself and show her
interest at all times. Make him notice that you can have different types of conversations, but above all that you know how to listen.

9. Surprise him: The details always make someone feel special. You can prepare a romantic dinner or simply take it somewhere fun to have a good time.

10. Everything in its time: Seducing it will not be easy, but do not get overwhelmed and enjoy it. Be patient and do not rush. Things must flow by themselves.

You follow these simple tips to conquer that special man, but remember that this is only a guide, the most important thing is to have an attitude and, of course,